Reduce Fuels

Prescribed Fire

Project Design
Public support
Pile Burning
Understory Burning

Biomass economics

Biochar (fertilizer)
Small diameter saw mill
Biomass marketplace
Biomass insulation materials


Timber harvest plan
Contract drafting
Bidding + contractor marketplace
Hand thinning and piling
Mechanical Thinning

Project Planning

Project Financing
Project Design
Environmental planning
Project management

National Planning

Fire Spread Modeling
Implementation Analytics
National Planning
USFS Funding


Accelerating fuel treatment with software is an R&D team working to measure & scale fuel treatments in the Western U.S.

Our goal

Assist federal and state agencies in treating 1M acres/yr in CA and 5M acres/yr in the Western US by 2025

Our mission

Accelerate fuel treatments in the Western U.S.

Environmental planning

Turbo-charged environmental planning

Standardize best in class templates and save months of time and resources by generating CEs, EAs, and EIS using specialized software.

Interested in accelerating fuel treatment?